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Kim Heechul Shows A Solar Daytime Inwards His Life

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Article: Kim Heechul is similar a 17 yr old, OCD lifestyle that alone knows gaming + ITZY

Source: Newsen via Nate

Day inwards the life: picket Chinese dramas, consume spell playing games, game spell waiting for daughter grouping stages

1. [+539, -16] Ugh... Kim Heechul's woman raise talks close hoping that he'll larn married but... he's OCD to the signal where he won't create at abode together with he alone eats spell gaming... Unless he fixes those things, it's improve that he lives lone than gets married!!

2. [+430, -18] But honestly, isn't this the best agency to pass a twenty-four hours off at home? ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

3. [+306, -51] The residual of that is fine together with all but I felt bad for his dog, couldn't fifty-fifty larn whatever sunlight inwards the house.. I wishing he'd play amongst him to a greater extent than ㅠㅠ

4. [+38, -0] Pretty similar to Eun Ji Won

5. [+37, -0] I much prefer game addiction compared to all the other hypocritical celebrities who become merely about committing crimes instead

6. [+32, -0] There are tons of guys out at that spot who alive similar this together with withal don't brand a cent of their ain money. Who cares if this is how he chooses to alive spell making money?

7. [+31, -0] A personality similar his is improve off living past times himself ㅋㅋ it's criminal to rope some other somebody into this lifestyle. His entire agency of living is rattling unlike from your average person.

8. [+30, -3] A lifestyle similar this inwards spousal human relationship volition halt upwards inwards divorce ㅡㅡ he's comfortable equally he is, his parents shouldn't greed him into spousal human relationship together with touching on others amongst that decision

9. [+29, -1] He's rich, what a smashing life...

10. [+23, -0] He's already rich together with he's working difficult at his career equally it is... why non allow him create what he wants on his days off?


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