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Maddox Attends Yonsei's Admission Ceremony

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Article: Maddox 'Yonsei admission ceremony without woman parent Angelina Jolie'

Source: OSEN via Nate

1. [+2,897, -19] I empathise the large amount of involvement surrounding a piece of occupation past times Hollywood star's boy attending college inward our province but I don't intend every bit good much attending volition locomote proficient for him ㅠ I'm certain he wants to sense normal college life hither then I promise the reporters don't follow him unopen to together with discover every bit good much of his mortal life.

2. [+1,998, -31] He looks then kind... Let's all cutting dorsum on our involvement then that he tin lead keep a normal college life ㅎㅎ

3. [+1,757, -12] I promise Maddox adjusts to Korea well...

4. [+98, -1] Sigh.. I wishing people would halt it amongst all the attention.. I bet he'd larn to lead keep a normal life if he went to an Ivy League instead. Why'd he come upwards to Korea, a province amongst then many attending wh*res;;

5. [+80, -3] You tin nation from the impression he gives off that he was raised amongst a lot of life

6. [+65, -2] I bet kids volition produce whatever it takes to locomote friends amongst him now

7. [+60, -0] ㅋㅋㅋ I uncertainty Jolie has to enquire her boy what he's upwards to anymore, she tin only banking corporation tally out Korean word articles together with run across everything

8. [+43, -0] He looks then kind. I wonder if Jolie got him a trunk guard earlier leaving?

9. [+43, -3] He seems to lead keep been raised humbly judging past times the agency he's dressed or his smile.. y'all tin nation Jolie only lavished dearest on him growing up..

10. [+26, -0] Didn't know he had such an angelic smile

11. [+21, -0] His grinning looks then kind. I'm certain all this attending is temporary since he's novel here, it'll serenity downward soon, I hope...

12. [+20, -0] Let's delight larn out him lonely then he tin bask college peacefully... I uncertainty he's been able to lead keep a normal schoolhouse life since he was a baby.


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