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Go Shares A Film From His Marriage D-Day

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Article: GO ♥ Choi Yeseul portion a wedding ceremony twenty-four hours photograph total of happiness... "we hope to alive happily"

Source: Herald Pop via Nate

1. [+1,244, -47] The bride's hair...

2. [+1,195, -92] The star of the wedding ceremony is supposed to last the bride together with then what happened to everything from her brand upwards to her clothing to her hair?

3. [+1,184, -53] Her bangs....

4. [+92, -1] She's going to await dorsum on her wedding ceremony pictures inward a few years together with deeply regret it

5. [+90, -2] Weird hair, weird brand up

6. [+85, -3] She sort of has a dumb await to her, similar she's lacking a few IQ points ㅋ

7. [+62, -14] Why produce people insist that everyone has the same style? It's her wedding, allow her produce what she wants. Looking pretty inward all your eyes shouldn't dictate whether she looks pretty or not.

8. [+51, -2] They're in conclusion getting married... feels similar they've gotten married 100 times already, f*ck

9. [+51, -2] What's that brand up... a drunken bride look?

10. [+41, -0] Kind of feels similar he's marrying a slightly... mentally disabled (?) woman...


Article: GO ♥ Choi Yeseul wed today afterward two years of wedlock + 8 months of living together

Source: OSEN via Naver

1. [+597, -27] They're together with then cute together on YouTube... I hope they accept a happy marriage!

2. [+474, -88] Everyone, delight displace living amongst your partner earlier marrying them it's a hurting inward the butt for everyone else to bargain amongst the autumn out together with then at to the lowest degree displace living 4 seasons amongst someone earlier getting married.

3. [+360, -45] Good pick for them to alive together earlier getting married

4. [+62, -6] Congratulations!!!!!! Have a happy life

5. [+86, -44] Feels similar they've been getting married for months now..

6. [+26, -2] Finally, tin nosotros terminal reading intelligence close their wedding ceremony prep now?;;

7. [+25, -3] Was it necessary to betoken out that they've been living together for 8 months? I personally intend it's necessary earlier marrying someone.

8. [+14, -1] There's been a lot of intelligence together with fanfare earlier their wedding ceremony only I intend they're getting married to the correct people, congratulations ^^ Have a happy life, I accept a feeling their human relationship volition last long running.


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