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Article: Did Soo Hyun hit weight?

Source: MK Sports via Nate

1. [+320, -14] Maybe it's for a novel projection

2. [+260, -40] Judging past times the picture, she actually does await similar she's gained a lot?

3. [+163, -18] Seems to a greater extent than similar an lawsuit alongside her pilus together with brand up...!

4. [+35, -7] Tall women bespeak to actually tailor their check unless you're sparse similar Lee Yeon Hee or Yoona.. otherwise you lot await bulky. I intend this is to a greater extent than oft than non a vesture check lawsuit than weight gain.

5. [+30, -11] Maybe pregnancy? Pregnant women hit a lot inwards the confront together with neck!!

6. [+25, -7] Maybe... that's why they announced their wedding...

7. [+22, -5] Pregnant??

8. [+19, -3] Is she pregnant?

9. [+17, -1] Her torso looks the same!! Just unopen to weight inwards the face!

10. [+17, -2] She's withal super pretty..

11. [+14, -2] Looks similar a lot inwards a curt sum of time? ㅜㅜ

12. [+13, -2] Well she must bring a lot of keen tidings to portion this year..


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