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National Revenue Enhancement Service To Launch Revenue Enhancement Investigation On Dok2

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Article: [Exclusive] National Tax Service launches high profile revenue enhancement investigation on rapper Dok2... a role of investigation on high income revenue enhancement evaders

Source: E-Today via Nate

1. [+3,571, -71] Yeah, I knew he was bragging close his coin likewise plainly on TV

2. [+3,113, -51] People who exhibit off their coin are unremarkably i of 2 categories: #1 scammers #2 actually proficient at paying their taxes

3. [+2,296, -95] I wonder what his reaction volition be...

4. [+217, -9] Anyone know fifty-fifty i striking vocal past times Dok2?

5. [+181, -12] What does he brand his coin from? I've never listened to i of his songs.

6. [+131, -9] I don't know fifty-fifty i of his songs

7. [+111, -19] He's smart. He purposely lives inwards a hotel to cutting dorsum on his taxes. Judging past times all the calculations he's done, I don't intend he's done anything illegal though.

8. [+101, -2] You could investigate whatever high income figure in addition to I uncertainty they'd all endure squeaky clean. Who would desire to pay the total amount of taxes owed?

9. [+82, -0] The thing close revenue enhancement investigations is that you'll e'er endure caught for something no affair what. It's similar cleaning... you're never certain that yous got every final speck of dust.

10. [+46, -3] I don't know whatever of his songs in addition to then how is he making all this money??


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