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Jisook Is Inwards A Human Relationship Amongst Homo Of Affairs Lee Doo Hee

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Article: [Exclusive] Jisook is dating human being of affairs Lee Doo Hee "serious relationship"

Source: Sports Today via Nate

1. [+705, -46] She's such a proficient person

2. [+647, -70] Jisook is the most wanted bride with men

3. [+465, -52] They're both the innocent types too hence they in all likelihood fit good

4. [+33, -7] Any human being who marries Jisook volition bring hitting jackpot.. she's totally bride ready

5. [+25, -3] If you're wondering who Lee Doo Hee is, he's the genius who hacked Seoul University too flora Kim Tae Hee's motion painting on her application

6. [+25, -10] She's dating an ajusshi inwards his forties inwards the halt ㅋ

7. [+18, -4] She's such a proficient bride with all the things she tin flame do. Totally amend with tech equipment than most men, proficient at cooking, proficient at crafts;;;

8. [+13, -1] Lee Doo Hee's from 'Genius', right? The i that had a menboong over Eun Ji Won?

9. [+13, -2] Nothing's stronger inwards this Blue Planet than coin

10. [+12, -4] Have a happy relationship!!!!


Source: Naver

1. [+1,071, -45] Judging yesteryear what we've seen too hence far, Jisook has shown that she's difficult working, proficient at crafts, has a bully personality ^^ congratulations. She's the type of adult woman y'all could stick whatsoever human being to too she'd brand him shine.

2. [+381, -20] Rare to discovery a adult woman every bit multi-talented every bit Jisook

3. [+242, -94] Hmm.....

4. [+37, -2] I don't know much virtually idols but I know she's the existent deal. Very difficult working, good for y'all mindset... but seems similar a individual filled with a lot of positivity.

5. [+46, -12] Looks similar begetter too daughter...


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