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Oh Yeon Seo Poses Inwards All Dark Side Yesteryear Side To Chanel

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Article: "Lovely inwards all black" Oh Yeon Seo, a existent life beauty

Source: Herald Pop via Nate

1. [+364, -35] What is going on alongside her lips

2. [+350, -36] She's a plastic surgical operation addict

3. [+280, -49] It's unfair to telephone phone person who has had all that plastic surgical operation pretty, no?

4. [+29, -0] Her lips expect weird...

5. [+26, -10] Bless her doctor

6. [+24, -2] Did she convey to position inwards front end of the Chanel logo ㅋㅋ too thus cringe

7. [+21, -0] Oh, her lips 😨

8. [+14, -1] She looks real much unlike from her days inwards 'My Husband Got a Family'...

9. [+12, -1] Did she larn her lips done afterwards existence inspired past times the Joker...

10. [+10, -4] I notice her too thus pretty, non certain why people assist whether she got operate done or not. I'd larn surgical operation inwards a heartbeat if I could guarantee to expect similar her. Some people could larn all the surgical operation inwards the Blue Planet too non goal upwards alongside visuals one-half equally proficient equally hers.


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