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Choi Jonghoon As Well As Jung Jun Immature Pause Into Sobs Upon Hearing Their Jail Sentences

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Article: Choi Jonghoon breaks out into sobs later prison theatre sentence... Jung Jun Young tears upwards equally well

Source: TV Daily via Nate

1. [+1,195, -8] Well I'm certain they were laughing when they were committing those crimes ㅡㅡ

2. [+1,048, -11] Choi Jonghoon genuinely got hitting amongst a heavier judgement than what prosecutors asked for because he kept denying his charges. His judgement definitely had an chemical cistron of making him an representative of, tsk tsk. Serves him right.

3. [+1,001, -10] You're sad? I'm piteous that it's exclusively 5 years for you.

4. [+89, -5] And Seungri?? Huh??? Seungri???????????? F*ck

5. [+79, -1] These guys convey no networks as well as then they're simply hitting amongst jail sentences lead to the facial expression upwards ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Why are they already crying? Save the tears for when your parents are visiting yous inward jail ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Better endure adept to your parents immediately as well as then that they pay upwards your allowance for the adjacent 5-6 years ㅋㅋㅋ Imagine genuinely beingness their parents, I would never endure able to present my facial expression upwards inward populace ㅋㅋㅋ Imagine how much they must've bragged most their sons beingness celebrities.. ㅋㅋ exclusively to cease upwards r*pists ㅋㅋㅋㅋ wow.. ㅋㅋㅋ

6. [+67, -2] Can't believe that daughter grouping oppa did all this fifty-fifty amongst a fiance, hul

7. [+59, -3] You had no work giggling over the videos yous shared amongst each other, though, right? Live the residue of your life inward remorse for your victims...

8. [+49, -1] SNSD Yuri's oppa was shamelessly posting on SNS most how he's innocent but he got a iv twelvemonth sentence

9. [+43, -3] As if he deserves to proper name considering the emotional hell he's pose Hongki through

10. [+38, -4] Your victims volition e'er endure crying when they're reminded of what you've done to them... Even 5 years is non enough. You amend non petition that.

11. [+36, -1] Seungri-ya... where are yous hiding...

12. [+31, -1] Wow, Kwon-ssi's fiance was saved yesteryear the gods. Imagine if she had already signed their marriage papers as well as had gotten married to this criminal...


Article: 'Hidden photographic television camera + gang r*pe' Jung Jun Young sentenced to half dozen years inward jail, Choi Jonghoon to 5 years

Source: Yonhap News via Nate

1. [+2,440, -29] The ironic purpose of this all... is that Seungri was the starting fourth dimension of all of this as well as he hasn't fifty-fifty been arrested yet... Who is protecting him from the back?

2. [+2,125, -32] And Seungri?

3. [+1,514, -21] So these are jail sentences? Confirmed?

4. [+109, -3] Did Roy Kim pay his way out? Well, he's done for inward the manufacture anyway...

5. [+100, -6] And Seungri as well as Yang Hyun Suk? They're innocent on all counts of drugs use, s*xual assault, coin laundering... all of it amongst Burning Sun? There are rumors that Seungri's going or as well as then golfing correct now.

6. [+80, -4] Wow, how produce yous ruin your life similar this... Seungri genuinely weaseled himself out of this one

7. [+70, -3] Why isn't that Seungri ba$tard getting jailed?

8. [+59, -0] They genuinely must've had some dingy charges for the courtroom to larn this hard. Korean police describe is infamous for beingness low-cal as well as then for them to judgement this many years inward jail agency they're simply terrible people.

9. [+47, -0] Guess the jail sentences are confirmed... their celebrity careers are over

10. [+35, -2] half dozen years larn yesteryear fast, should've done lx years


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