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Kim Tae Hee Makes Kickoff Populace Appearance Since Giving Birth

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Article: Kim Tae Hee's starting fourth dimension official outing since the nascency of her minute baby

Source: News 1 via Nate

1. [+933, -310] Wow, perchance because she's given nascency to ii kids only the fourth dimension of aging has hitting her direct inward the face

2. [+787, -288] Ham So Won?

3. [+282, -22] She has some wrinkles only I recall she looks agency prettier than if she were to instruct surgery...

4. [+139, -7] I've seen her upwardly closed together with she's ever had wrinkles or together with hence her eyes. A lot, actually, together with this was dorsum earlier she got married together with was at the peak of her career. I recall it's because she smiles a lot together with I truly discovery it endearing that she's non interested inward botox similar other actresses. Her peel also seems to live on on the dry out side which tends to emphasize wrinkles. People are blaming giving nascency on her looking older only that makes me distressing for her... I mean, she's getting older, doesn't it brand feel to aspect older, too? It's unfair to compare her to Lee Young Ae together with pose i downward to brand the other aspect good.

5. [+135, -7] Getting wrinkles or together with hence your eyes is completely natural every bit y'all instruct older. Also, the speed of aging depends on how involved y'all are amongst the nipper rearing. Child rearing seriously takes a cost on a person's aging process.

6. [+98, -8] I recall it looks cracking to run into her historic menses naturally ㅋㅋㅋㅋ practice y'all all recall y'all won't age?

7. [+95, -8] How tin y'all await her to aspect the same later having ii kids? I recall she looks cracking aging naturally similar this without getting whatever procedures done. Not certain nearly this pilus style, though.

8. [+68, -6] As someone who used to live on considered i of the greatest beauties of our time, y'all would recall that she would autumn to the pressure level of botox together with whatnot, together with hence it's quite amazing that she's aging naturally instead... I'm non fifty-fifty a celebrity together with I'm super witting of my wrinkles. She manifestly has the coin for it together with hence I honour her conclusion to historic menses naturally...

9. [+57, -8] She looks awesome for someone inward her forties

10. [+52, -15] Her wrinkles are beautiful


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