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Han Ye Seul Reveals Her Novel Breast Tattoo

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Article: 'Sexy + provocative' Han Ye Seul reveals tattoo betwixt her chest

Source: Newsen via Nate

1. [+2,089, -260] She's getting excessive..

2. [+1,958, -160] Nuna... y'all don't run across people tuning their Benz... this is also much

4. [+1,624, -236] Why is she doing this?

5. [+179, -19] She's as well as therefore dissimilar from before... she's walking a sparse work these days.. ㅜㅜ

6. [+171, -41] She's been getting weirder since her intermission up... What is the betoken of this tattoo? It's non similar she's inwards her thoughtless twenties anymore. At historic menstruation 40, no less...

7. [+162, -19] Why did she cash inwards one's chips that? It doesn't await pretty or meaningful... I cash inwards one's chips an young twenty twelvemonth one-time doing this but non her...

8. [+143, -23] I experience similar super pretty girls who cash inwards one's chips dumped initiatory of all getting weird afterwards that

9. [+129, -16] You're non supposed to cash inwards one's chips knife tattoos on your body, tsk tsk

10. [+117, -31] Just because she's an actress doesn't hateful she has to hold out reserved as well as gentle. Maybe she likes trendy things. Getting a tattoo doesn't brand her classless. It's non similar whatsoever of y'all nation anything to Jolie as well as she's covered inwards tattoos. You guys all the same telephone telephone her beautiful as well as cool.


Source: Naver

1. [+1,389, -205] I think it's pretty, the comments are but acting up

2. [+1,284, -558] Why'd she cash inwards one's chips that... it looks weird

3. [+619, -23] Wasn't in that place a Yu Gi Oh carte du jour that looked similar that? I recollect it had practiced stats as well as therefore it was practiced to role during duels.

4. [+449, -92] Pretty fifty-fifty when she's laying down

5. [+429, -84] She's been getting weirder lately

6. [+309, -19] Her picture has turned as well as therefore dark

7. [+309, -57] It's similar soul putting a sticker on their Ferrari ㅜㅜ

8. [+214, -38] She became weird afterwards dating Teddy


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