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Announcer Lee Hye Sung Reveals That Jun Hyun Moo Treats Her Well

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Article: Lee Hye Sung, "♥ Jun Hyun Moo's dissimilar from his TV image... he takes tending of me well"

Source: TV Daily via Nate

1. [+1,920, -166] Excuse me precisely we're non curious well-nigh your honey stories, nosotros desire a clarification on whether y'all received undeserved extra compensation or not...

2. [+1,588, -134] So I approximate it's truthful that she did direct keep undeserved compensation. If she hadn't, she would already last clarifying it maxim she didn't produce that... She's together with then immature precisely together with then greedy. I suppose that's why she's dating a rich man, too.

3. [+1,420, -136] Who cares if she's pretty together with immature when she's already lying at run to teach benefits she doesn't deserve. Tsk, don't similar either of them.

4. [+113, -10] What a waste materials of my taxpayer money

5. [+106, -7] Every human being is skilful to y'all inwards the kickoff of a relationship... don't trust him besides much

6. [+97, -7] 'Happy Together' was showing a clip of her earlier her double eyelid surgical physical care for together with she kept maxim it was dorsum when she was heavier ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

7. [+88, -10] ㅋㅋㅋ So how's it feeling getting all that coin together with of a precipitous having the spotlight on you? Stop bragging well-nigh your human relationship together with teach apologize for taking coin that isn't yours.

8. [+84, -3] He was skilful to Han Hye Jin, too... that is, earlier they broke up...

9. [+75, -9] Not certain why people are calling her immature when's 28, that's almost 30. Why are Suzy together with Irene called has-beens or ajummas precisely this somebody is "a immature kid" ㅋㅋㅋ

10. [+63, -9] ㅋㅋㅋ Well, your icon is quite dissimilar from your TV icon every bit good ㅋㅋㅋ You human activity all rookie shy together with innocent on TV precisely nosotros all know the shady things y'all produce off photographic boob tube camera ㅋㅋ

11. [+57, -17] She seems smart precisely inwards a useless way; She should know that amongst her specs, she tin climb a higher tree... why Jun Hyun Moo? What's it affair if she's a Seoul University graduate if she's this naive?

12. [+57, -6] What human being wouldn't last skilful to an announcer girl fifteen years younger than him?


Source: Naver

1. [+1,471, -50] Suspicions of undeserved compensation unopen to intelligence of her world relationship..

2. [+1,408, -67] Wasn't she the MC who started talking inwards English linguistic communication to Buffon when he's Italian? Especially when there's already an interpreter for him? When I saw her produce that, I realized she was desperate for fame.

3. [+1,173, -120] I wonder who Jun Hyun Moo volition last dating adjacent year

4. [+838, -41] Jun Hyun Moo has dated how many already? Park Eun Young, Yang Jung Won... he's pretty busy together with then that's quite amazing ㅋㅋ

5. [+296, -4] I retrieve she was on a dating demonstrate non besides long ago, acting similar she was unmarried together with going on dates amongst a non-celebrity ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

6. [+294, -7] Is it truthful that you're the announcer who received undeserved benefits?

7. [+292, -16] I don't tending who they're dating but... this is together with then inconsiderate to his ex-girlfriend. It hasn't fifty-fifty been that long since they broke up. I'd rather proceed my novel human relationship on the downwards low.. ㅜㅜ

8. [+232, -7] So much fuss over this relationship... it's going to last embarrassing if they interruption up. Just remain quiet, don't last together with then calorie-free amongst your words...


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