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Jung Eunji Offers Encouraging Words For Examination Takers

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Article: Jung Eunji, "The college entrance attempt is non everything inwards life, I'm a high schoolhouse graduate but a skilful DJ"

Source: Newsen via Nate

1. [+2,100, -150] Could y'all conduct keep said this if y'all weren't a celebrity?

2. [+1,961, -137] You're a celebrity, how produce y'all intend this counts every bit advice?

3. [+1,586, -70] It may non move everything inwards life but it likewise isn't aught either

4. [+105, -14] It's because you're a high schoolhouse graduate that y'all intend this is helpful ㅋㅋ Whether you're a skilful DJ or non is judged past times your listeners, non yourself.

5. [+103, -7] This is the type of advice that isn't helpful at all to actual attempt takers... If the attempt "isn't everything inwards life", as well as then you're simply discrediting all the fourth dimension they spent studying for it. They'll realize that on their ain in ane trial they abide by jobs as well as bring together society. For students now, this attempt is a compensation for the difficult move they've set inwards hence far... I intend the best advice y'all tin hand whatsoever pupil is to simply applaud them for making it this far.

6. [+77, -6] Can she delight become approximately mutual sense? A celebrity's life as well as non-celebrity's life are non the same.

7. [+74, -2] It may non move everything inwards life but y'all definitely become to a greater extent than choices inwards life if y'all produce good on it

8. [+72, -3] Is she actually proverb this every bit genuine helpful advice? This is to a greater extent than similar a humble brag than whatsoever words of back upwards ㅋㅋㅋ

9. [+51, -5] I've been an A Pink fan for a long time.. as well as Jung Eunji has a agency of proverb things that are off-putting. It's obvious that she has positive intentions behind what she's proverb but the nuance of it comes out wrong. She should move to a greater extent than careful.

10. [+43, -5] I'd empathise if a celebrity similar Kim Jung Hoon or Kim Tae Hee was proverb this but coming from the oral cavity of a celebrity who's never fifty-fifty studied..

11. [+38, -5] She's well-intentioned but dumb

12. [+34, -3] Advice similar yours is solely helpful if you're a high schoolhouse graduate turned self-made CEO


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