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Dok2 Faces A Trial For Defaulting On His Jewelry Loans

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Article: [Exclusive] "I accept six cents inwards my banking concern account" Dok2 nether case for defaulting on jewelry payments

Source: Dispatch via Nate

1. [+4,188, -35] What is this? Isn't he spending hundreds of thousands on staying at hotels every month?

2. [+3,488, -27] So he borrowed the jewelry in addition to didn't provide it, in addition to then borrowed coin in addition to didn't pay it back... I don't intend that's what a instrumentalist is..?

3. [+3,382, -36] Dok2, you're rich, why are yous acting similar you're not?

4. [+316, -2] Remember when he was looking downward on the victim during his #debttoo tilt maxim his monthly nutrient costs transcend 10 1000000 won... in addition to nevertheless he's the i defaulting on payments for his jewelry for months now... I approximate i affair hip hoppers accept inwards mutual is that they're all faux tryhards.

5. [+269, -3] Of all my life, I've never seen anyone who brags virtually their coin halt upwardly existence a sane person

6. [+204, -4] After all that bragging virtually his money, what is this ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

7. [+176, -3] So all that speak virtually his coin on TV was him only existence a tryhard?

8. [+173, -2] Is he turning around wheels to endeavour in addition to operate out of taxes or what?

9. [+133, -1] He lives out of a hotel, drives several luxury cars, brags virtually his golden jewelry... but he doesn't accept plenty coin to pay dorsum coin he owes ㅋㅋ

10. [+121, -4] New coin people halt upwardly inwards coin troubles because they don't know how to deal it properly. It's non virtually how much coin yous have, it's virtually whether you're smart plenty to deal whatever yous have.


Source: Naver

1. [+7,531, -110] He's got quite the graphic symbol for someone who claims to accept grown upwardly inwards poverty himself

2. [+5,222, -106] I desire the best for celebrities who are respectful in addition to kind

3. [+4,975, -70] After all that bragging virtually spending 10 1000000 won a calendar month on food, how'd he halt upwardly similar this ㅋㅋㅋ ㅡㅡ

4. [+2,002, -103] He's been exposed all the means to stone bottom ㅋㅋㅋ

5. [+920, -14] He built his icon on acting rich in addition to having hitting songs in addition to grabbing CF deals that means but everyone was fooled. He was never self made. I've never fifty-fifty heard of his songs.

6. [+801, -9] Why are hip hop stars ever similar this?

7. [+633, -12] All that bragging, bragging, bragging, but it was all on loans...

8. [+503, -11] If we're getting technical, I bet he's renting his home, his cars are all leases nether his concern name, his hotel is only a youngster investment that he's acting similar he owns... If yous intend virtually it, he doesn't truly ain anything he's bragged virtually on TV ㅋㅋㅋ And peradventure he owned his luxury watches but all of that was stolen... He tin alter his cite from Dok2 to six Cent instantly ㅋㅋ

9. [+411, -11] I don't empathise all his loans but I definitely don't empathise how he solely has six cents

10. [+314, -5] He already hitting stone bottom alongside his #debttoo tilt earlier. His truthful colors accept already shown.


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