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Kim Tae Hee Makes A Surprise Appearance On Youtube

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Article: Kim Tae Hee, yet equally beautiful equally ever subsequently 2 children inwards latest update... surprise appearance on Leo J's YouTube channel

Source: Herald Pop via Nate

1. [+480, -30] She was the i top inwards Korea during her peak years. Plus, she's a Seoul University graduate ㅋㅋㅋ only unrivaled

2. [+419, -31] She is yet equally classy in addition to pretty equally ever

3. [+354, -24] She's in addition to thence classy looking

4. [+32, -5] Can't believe she's a woman nurture of two... I await similar I'm the i who gave nascency instead of her ㅜ

5. [+30, -4] So beautiful. She looks classy in addition to at peace.

6. [+28, -0] Not exclusively is she pretty but smart, too...

7. [+27, -2] No affair how much fourth dimension passes, Kim Tae Hee is Kim Tae Hee

8. [+14, -0] I experience similar natural beauties recover subsequently pregnancy faster than others. Obviously wrinkles come upwardly alongside historic menstruation but she yet has that pretty experience to her. Plastic beauties ever await swollen subsequently pregnancy.

9. [+13, -0] She has a corking personality too, in addition to thence tomboyish ㅎㅎㅎ

10. [+10, -0] That channel must live amazing to accept Kim Tae Hee brand an appearance on YouTube in addition to all


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