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A Pinkish Criticizes The Unfair Handling They Received At The '2019 Kbs Gayo Festival'

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Article: A Pink Son Naeun criticizes 'Gayo Festival', "I'm sorry nosotros couldn't demo you lot our phase until the end, nosotros inquire for fairer treatment"

Source: X Sports News via Nate

1. [+599, -33] The comments hither are non getting it. A Pink never asked for especial treatment, they exactly asked to hold upwards able to perform their phase inwards the fourth dimension they were promised. Isn't that fair? Why would KBS exactly cutting them off inwards the middle of their stage? It was too therefore random that fifty-fifty a staff on ready thought that it was on accident ㅋㅋㅋ

2. [+570, -27] KBS, you lot thugs, don't hold upwards similar this

3. [+513, -24] Apparently they didn't fifty-fifty decease to rehearse... that's actually unfair. KBS was exactly a mess all some this year.

4. [+60, -1] They should hold upwards allowed to complete their stage.. Even I thought it was ridiculous when they were cut

5. [+58, -1] No wonder, I had a feeling the ending was weird ㅋㅋㅋ If you lot invited groups to perform, you lot should hold upwards giving them the handling they deserve. Why would you lot invite to a greater extent than teams than you lot tin dismiss handle?

6. [+48, -4] She's right.. she's allowed to inquire for fair treatment.. non certain why the comments are hating on her

7. [+44, -1] I stimulate got amongst her 100%, KBS should reverberate over this. Son Naeun fighting ㅋㅋ

8. [+40, -6] No wonder... too why were at that topographic point too therefore many covers of SM's erstwhile songs, they're totally ignoring all the mid agencies ㅡㅡ too therefore tired of these big means concerts

9. [+37, -0] The photographic television receiver camera operate was likewise a mess, it was to the betoken where I had no thought if the cameras wanted us to sentinel the singers at all... Looks similar the actual artists were treated worse. KBS equally ever amongst their erstwhile farts running it.

10. [+32, -23] BTS sang v songs too A Pink themselves are ix years in, they're non a rookie group. It makes no sense to cutting them afterwards barely performing i amount song. I empathise that BTS has a lot of fans too that they're the tendency but it's incorrect to discriminate handling similar this. KBS too whoever was inwards accuse of the phase planning should apologize for this.

11. [+32, -1] Why are KBS too SBS such idiots...

12. [+28, -14] Not certain why BTS is beingness blamed inwards this article when it's KBS' fault. Did BTS ever inquire to abuse their power? Did BTS too their fans ever whine for to a greater extent than phase time? Did BTS ever crusade contestation for non performing their fullest on stage? BTS did everything they tin dismiss to rehearse difficult too trip the calorie-free fantastic toe land singing alive for this stage.

13. [+28, -6] Park Chorong cried on her V app, I felt bad for her...


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