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Kbs Apologizes To A Pinkish For Cutting Their Phase Off At The '2019 Kbs Gayo Festival'

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Article: 'Gayo Festival' reps, "We bring apologized to A Pink first... nosotros are currently preparing an official apology statement" [official statement]

Source: SpoTV News via Nate

1. [+395, -8] Korean media companies don't apologize until the occupation gets out of hand....

2. [+325, -12] I hope that this was an chance for them to acquire that a festival is solely a festival if everyone gets to relish it together. A Pink in addition to Red Velvet aren't rookies in addition to fifty-fifty bring concert experiences nether their belts, I'm certain they prepared a lot for their fans in addition to thus it's a shame they didn't acquire to come across it.

3. [+255, -8] So that's it? "We apologized" in addition to they intend that's that? Imagine if yous were fired in addition to your boss was merely like, "sorry nearly that", would yous all merely last like, "okay, sure"?? I intend a lot of people are agreement where A Pink is coming from in addition to thus I hope the grouping is able to allow this acquire in addition to rising higher upward it.

4. [+25, -2] Public broadcasts aren't anything much anymore. The photographic telly camera move was a mess, all these nonstop accidents...

5. [+21, -10] Is an apology supposed to terminate everything? Whoever was responsible for this should last taking responsibility.

6. [+18, -4] Should've merely turned the whole affair into a BTS concert, yeah? I'm non trying to position BTS downwardly but didn't their fans complain a lot when BTS was shafted for bigger way idols when they weren't that large yet? I know in addition to thus good that this was BTS' twelvemonth but if other artists were invited to this event, they should last given fair handling besides ㅋㅋ How does it brand feel that A Pink wasn't fifty-fifty given the amount allotted fourth dimension they were promised? They weren't fifty-fifty given advanced abide by to cutting their phase brusk due to fourth dimension restraints, they were merely cutting off ㅋㅋㅋ Broadcast companies remove to wake upward in addition to realize that treating people similar this doesn't wing anymore;;

7. [+12, -2] For a so-called festival, it certain is screwing a lot of people over

8. [+12, -8] I bet the most KBS volition produce is burn approximately lowly staff member. What a shame that they overextended their casting listing in addition to couldn't fifty-fifty innovation the timing of it right.

9. [+10, -2] Each way should merely bring their ain year-end concert. These broadcast channel festivals are merely i large ploy for themselves to brand money!!!!

10. [+9, -1] There's no signal inwards apologizing afterwards the fact, it doesn't solve anything


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