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Dara Talks Almost Her Starting Fourth Dimension Experience

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Article: 'Love Game' Sandara Park, "Starring inwards a musical for the starting fourth dimension time... Son Ho Young takes attention of me"

Source: Korea Ilbo via Nate

1. [+406, -21] With those singing skills, that tonality, that voice... what musical are yous doing...

2. [+375, -18] Musical...?? You gain got to sing good for that, as well as deed well... I'd endure pissed if I was a musical actor.

3. [+303, -13] Even during her days equally a singer, she was known equally the worst vocaliser of her group. Her vocalism has no describe to it, almost equally weak equally a choding's, as well as thus why is she doing a musical...?? Over people who gain got the talent but nonetheless are spending over 10 years inwards an ensemble equally supporting roles..??

4. [+29, -1] Must endure exhausting for the other musical actors or trainees... Sure, having a celebrity inwards the shape volition convey inwards the ticket sales, but at to the lowest degree shape individual amongst a chip of talent ㅜㅜ Sandara's only individual whose vocalism was never meant to sing no affair how difficult she tries, this is only wrong....

5. [+26, -4] What is this crazy talk, what musical??

6. [+23, -2] Imagine doing a musical amongst equally much tonality equally a musquito ㅠ

7. [+23, -6] She is as well as thus untalented as well as yet she's doing a musical;;; that's only showing a lack of honour to the other musical actors. She's best tally for beingness a beauty YouTuber.

8. [+19, -3] Wow... non that I'm trying to pose her downward but I saw Ok Joo Hyun's 'Rebecca' a few weeks agone as well as it was impossible non to order her a standing ovation... as well as yet I heard that fifty-fifty she nonetheless has to bargain amongst loathe comments. As a musical fan, I want productions would shape people who are ready for these roles.

9. [+19, -5] Surely a musical amongst no singing inwards it?

10. [+17, -2] Maybe she's playing the business office of a moo-cow or something;;


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