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Park Gyuri Too Beau Vocal Ja Ho Promise To Seek Out That Historic Menstruum Is Zippo Exactly A Number

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Article: [Exclusive] Song Ja Ho in addition to Park Gyuri, "Age is nil only a different... delight sentry over our love"

Source: Money Today via Nate

1. [+538, -34] The human being looks older than his historic menstruation in addition to therefore you lot don't actually experience an historic menstruation difference. They expect practiced together ㅋㅋ

2. [+434, -38] I ever idea Jisook in addition to Gyuri were smart, I'm happy for them. I similar that they both expect in addition to therefore loved past times their partners.

3. [+326, -21] I assumed the human being was the i who is older

4. [+25, -4] CEO at 25 years old, damn

5. [+18, -3] Why is it such a big bargain that she's older than him anyway? Would it convey been such a big bargain if the human being was seven years older than her?

6. [+18, -2] I assumed Gyuri was dating an older human being when I saw the pictures in addition to therefore I got confused when I started reading the article most a seven twelvemonth historic menstruation gap..

7. [+17, -5] CEO at 25... did he fifty-fifty serve inwards the regular army yet? At his age, he should either hold out inwards schoolhouse or the army.

8. [+14, -5] I used to hold out a Kamilia. Gyuri-ya, I wishing you lot happiness.

9. [+12, -8] 8 years isn't fifty-fifty that bad. Some couples are erstwhile plenty to hold out begetter in addition to daughter.

10. [+10, -2] I assumed the human being was some 45 years erstwhile only I gauge not


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