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Sungmin Shows Off His Trendy Dalgona Coffee

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Article: SuJu Sungmin, cute visuals + vivid smiling 'made dalgona coffee'

Source: Herald Pop via Nate

1. [+505, -10] And no ane cares

2. [+412, -37] I don't larn why fans loathe on this guy but defend Choi Siwon

3. [+220, -6] He's basically left the group, no betoken inward calling him Super Junior's Sungmin since he's to a greater extent than similar a quondam member

4. [+31, -4] Chen's mentor.. a lesson inward backstabbing fans

5. [+29, -4] Feels a fighting incorrect to telephone outcry upwardly a married ajusshi 'cute'..

6. [+24, -1] He hasn't left yet, he should simply operate out since that's what the fans want

7. [+16, -3] If y'all convey whatsoever shame left, delight operate out ajusshi. He ridiculed his fans until they eventually turned their backs on him, together with he's all the same stubbornly staying inward the grouping despite fans wanting him to leave

8. [+15 -0] He all the same hasn't given up???

9. [+12, -0] Stop testing us, larn perish along living amongst your married adult woman together with never come upwardly back

10. [+12, -0] Does he convey whatsoever fans left?..


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