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Black Pink's Hanbok Looks Attain Attention

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Source: Joongang Ilbo via Nate

1. [+2,794, -749] Come on, tin you lot actually consider that a hanbok? ㅋㅋ Have you lot non seen Joseon pictures? ㅋㅋ 

2. [+2,178, -525] Whenever people pattern yukatas, they endeavour to remain inside the boundaries of the master copy design... but this is just... a hanbok alone inwards material?? Just because you lot position a label on something doesn't hateful you lot tin instruct around promoting it every bit traditional Korean clothing.

3. [+1,894, -1,049] Why are at that topographic point as well as hence many onetime farts inwards the comments? Black Pink changed it upwards inwards fourth dimension amongst the electrical flow trends. Why are you lot bringing upwards stuff nigh the Joseon dynasty as well as gisaengs as well as whatnot ㅋㅋㅋ why as well as hence twisted? 

4. [+105, -56] Sure, times are changing as well as I intend it's to a greater extent than beneficial to promote the hanbok this way!

5. [+101, -29] It but looks similar Chinese article of apparel from traditional martial arts films. The neckline itself isn't a hanbok at all. If you're going to telephone telephone something a hanbok, you lot even as well as hence receive got to behavior some basic attributes of it. You can't but telephone telephone a random slice of article of apparel a hanbok because you lot tagged a norigae on it. This is fifty-fifty worse than some of the rental hanboks given out nigh goongs.

6. [+87, -59] Sometimes you lot receive got to curl amongst the changes of the time. Why are at that topographic point as well as hence many onetime farts here?

7. [+80, -18] I intend they went every bit good far amongst the reinterpretation of the hanbok. Looks similar an outfit you'd uncovering inwards a Chinese mobile game.

8. [+49, -55] I screamed when I saw them wearing it at the halt of the music video as well as hence pretty!!! What's upwards amongst the best replies, though... we're non living inwards the Joseon dynasty, you lot know ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

9. [+40, -37] Well, why would you lot aspect Black Pink to last dancing inwards traditional hanboks? If styling it similar this helps foreigners accept an involvement inwards hanbok as well as google it upwards themselves, it's a shape of advertisement inwards its ain right... Too many conservatives lately.

10. [+36, -23] I intend it's amazing plenty that yesteryear wearing this, they've caused foreigners to last interested inwards our culture... what are you lot all as well as hence uncomfortable about??

11. [+33, -11] They did reinterpret a lot of it but I tin run across that the roots of the outfits are inwards hanbok. Culture is outflow to alter amongst changing times from styles to architecture to nutrient to thought. That's how outfits from all our yesteryear dynasties receive got come upwards down. Even the outfits worn inwards the Joseon dynasty are as well as hence dissimilar earlier as well as after. Just because the hanboks worn today are dissimilar from those worn inwards the Joseon dynasty does non instruct inwards whatever less of a hanbok. It's but you lot existence narrow minded. 

12. [+29, -29] People ask to loosen up. Fusion hanboks receive got been around for decades already.


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