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Muscle Queen Choi Eun Joo Shares Her Intense Live Out Authorities Leading Upwardly To Competition

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Source: Sports Chosun via Nate

1. [+1,128, -16] She's together with then cool. She was together with then upset that she was crying inwards her interview yesterday, precisely delight don't cry. You're together with then cool together with beautiful, together with I applaud the endeavour y'all set into this.

2. [+1,005, -19] I commonly observe musculus queens.. gross looking.. precisely she looks actually pretty

3. [+871, -10] She's together with then cool, I can't imagine the endeavour she set into this 

4. [+44, -0] I saw her competitor photos. It's close impossible to compare whatever of the other contestants to her because she's together with then far inwards the lead. She'll in all likelihood win over again adjacent fourth dimension fifty-fifty if she doesn't instruct every bit hard similar this..

5. [+40, -0] Anyone who has sense amongst weight preparation volition know what a hellish together with hard fourth dimension it is. I cried amongst her when she was crying... She has my honor for her passion together with effort. I wishing her cypher precisely the best!!

6. [+39, -1] How are such abs possible? It's amazing ㅋㅋ together with then hard to encounter abs similar that on a woman.

7. [+36, -0] Wow, await at her half dozen packs.. I heard it's to a greater extent than hard for women to instruct them!! She's together with then amazing!! I'm jealous of her ㅠ.ㅠ

8. [+31, -0] So much respect... rattling amazing of her. Working out on an empty tum is hard plenty precisely she does 2 hours of weight preparation on an empty stomach... amazing. Hearing that she didn't drinkable whatever H2O for v days way she actually did set her life on the describe of piece of occupation ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ

9. [+30, -0] No H2O v days earlier the competition... ㅜ she actually did set her life on the line. A circular of applause for her determination!

10. [+25, -0] My hands would travel shaking if I did cardio for 2 hours on an empty stomach


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