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Could G-Dragon Confront Consequences For Fauna Abuse?

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Source: Mydaily via Nate

1. [+2,700, -58] I entirely read the article championship in addition to I experience similar it's said all that I've wanted to say

2. [+2,349, -62] Why is everyone from YG similar this?

3. [+2,042, -52] Hasn't he switched cats twice too??

4. [+189, -1] It's clear he was copying other celebrities when he brought his domestic dog to his pictorial in addition to laurels ceremonies, tsk tsk. You can't mistaken your honey for animals, you'll larn caught inward your prevarication eventually.

5. [+171, -2] He's only trash. He must've thrown his domestic dog out because of how needy it is in addition to hence adopted a cat. As an possessor of a previously abandoned domestic dog myself, this is genuinely disappointing. I promise he never crawls dorsum on TV again.

6. [+162, -2] Jolie's apparently lost too, I'm worried almost where she could be. If entirely a amend occupation solid unit of measurement had adopted her instead...

7. [+159, -1] Let this travel known to the basis that this fool is only a tryhard

8. [+132, -2] I promise he's never on broadcast e'er again

9. [+128, -6] Rock bottom character

10. [+108, -3] He's non fifty-fifty worthy to travel called a dog... alive your life similar a domestic dog in addition to you'll never larn hate

11. [+106, -2] I promise that i day, all of his fans exit him because he's quondam too, in addition to no i treats him alongside honour or attention

12. [+98, -0] Jolie's lost too.. where could she be.. this is hence tragic..


Source: TV Daily via Nate

1. [+750, -22] You should entirely receive got a work alongside what she said if you lot receive got something to cover ㅋㅋ

2. [+633, -24] I concur alongside her!

3. [+585, -20] I back upwardly her fifty-fifty if she did hateful it equally a jab to him

4. [+34, -2] His stupid fangirls must've attacked her a lot.......

5. [+30, -2] So what if she took a jab at him? What's fact is that he left his dogs for fail inward squalor at his pension.

6. [+28, -3] I'm only surprised that at that topographic point are sitll brainless stupid fangirls supporting this tryhard hobbit

7. [+26, -5] Anyone who's had a domestic dog volition know how KittiB feels

8. [+23, -3] Why? It's non similar she said anything wrong. Looks similar his stupid fangirls swarmed her alongside attacks.

9. [+21, -4] She wouldn't travel inward the incorrect to brand a jab anyway. It's non similar she said anything wrong.

10. [+18, -5] ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ He's a has-been ajusshi right away anyway. Big Bang volition genuinely travel remembered forever inward our music manufacture equally the criminal-dols. 


Source: Korea Econ via Nate

1. [+1,174, -21] For real, though ㅋㅋ His domestic dog is currently at his parents' pension alongside barely 3 steps of room inward a metallic cage, living inward fail without whatsoever attention ㅋ Please accept responsibleness for this in addition to plow over us a clarification ㅋ

2. [+1,080, -17] Aigoo, I'm wondering if he's e'er fifty-fifty given his domestic dog a bathroom on his own

3. [+82, -1] He plainly adopted the domestic dog because it's a unique breed but hence realized it's non equally cute equally it was when it was a puppy in addition to all it does is poop in addition to eat! But oh, this truthful cat !! Look at his unique fur pattern. So classy in addition to unique, a function past times star similar him is deserving of such a classy cat! This time, it's a novel truthful cat that's my toy!! Guys, look! I'm GD, I'm hence cool, right?!

4. [+67, -1] What's going to spill out to his electrical flow truthful cat i time it gets older..? Will he plow over it away again? Obviously he adopted these kids at i betoken because he was lonely in addition to wanted their company... imagine how lonely those pets must experience now.. It's upsetting that this is all done past times an influential figure similar him.

5. [+62, -1] I don't know if he'll e'er clarify this but if he e'er does, I bet he'll blame it on the people managing his pension ㅋㅋ I wonder how many times he visited Gaho subsequently he sent him away? It doesn't fifty-fifty seem similar he's trying to hold off for Jolie. He adopted a truthful cat subsequently sending Gaho away in addition to it's clear that he's an creature hoarder who treats the lives of animals similar only about production purchase.

6. [+56, -1] Animals are non an accessory unless you're a psychopath ㅡㅡ

7. [+52, -1] Wouldn't this brand him a psychopath? He treats animals similar only about pretty slice of vesture that he throws out when he doesn't desire to have on it anymore. If he actually didn't desire these pets anymore, he should've hired a pet sitter to at to the lowest degree hold off subsequently them. This is past times the betoken of disappointment, I'm story out embarrassed to fifty-fifty telephone telephone myself his fan inward public.

8. [+50, -2] He's rich alongside a big occupation solid in addition to a big yard, I can't believe the entirely infinite he could brand for his dogs was only a few steps.. If he's also busy, at to the lowest degree hire a pet sitter to accept them on walks. You're hence rich... this is hence disappointing.

9. [+44, -1] How is he non embarrassed? As a human being, he should know to accept responsibleness for a life that he chose until the really end.

10. [+42, -1] He's trash. This was a proficient hold off into his character.


Source: Aju Econ via Nate

1. [+1,067, -23] Why bother adopting pets you're also busy for, why non permit a friend adopt them instead.. I can't stand upwardly this... I'd empathize existence also busy to accept attention of your domestic dog but hence he adopted a cat.. He actually sees these animals equally a slice of vesture or an accessory. I can't stand upwardly it at all. I can't believe at that topographic point are fans who yet back upwardly somebody similar this..

2. [+915, -15] G-Dragon: So how much create I receive got to pay?

3. [+820, -16] He'd in all probability scoff at the amount

4. [+72, -3] We take away to permit the entire basis know that this tiny Korean vocalist abuses dogs in addition to treats them similar toys, something to travel thrown away i time he gets sick of them. That he right away also has a cat..

5. [+65, -4] I want somebody would interpret this inward English linguistic communication in addition to brand a video to upload on YouTube. Please break the truth of a Korean fashionista who treats animals similar accessories.

6. [+62, -1] So he's living a lavish life inward his 90-pyeong occupation solid piece his ain pets are trapped inward a tiny piddling cage on a leash? ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ If you lot genuinely honey animals, you lot could never process them similar this.

7. [+53, -2] I'm actually violent up. Dogs of their size barely alive past times 10 years in addition to they plainly experience all sorts of emotions from happiness to sadness. They miss their owners hence much no affair how piddling they've been apart. Imagine Gaho existence stuck inward a tiny expanse similar that, never existence taken on walks, no other dogs to play with... hence lonely in addition to hard ㅠㅠㅠㅠ

8. [+44, -2] This is creature abuse. You don't larn to accept your domestic dog everywhere entirely when it's cute in addition to little. This is only wrong.

9. [+35, -0] Hul, why are nosotros entirely finding out right away that he sent the domestic dog away inward 2012? ㅠ So he lived similar that for 8 years? Tsk tsk tsk. I'm certain whatsoever of his fans would've taken attention of the domestic dog for him. Why non permit somebody else adopt him! Obviously he was looking out for his ain icon instead!

10. [+33, -1] I demand penalization!

11. [+31, -1] You volition travel thrown away past times your fans too, only similar you lot threw away your dog

12. [+30, -1] He moved into i of the best apartments inward our country, the size of 100-pyeong... is at that topographic point actually no infinite at that topographic point for a domestic dog you've had since it was a baby? You receive got the money, you lot tin plow over the sack mail it to puppy daycare when you lot receive got schedules... What's the betoken of decorating your occupation solid inward all those expensive slice of furniture in addition to paintings.. Does a business office of your catch non experience uncomfortable?


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