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Kang 2Nd Kyung's 'Avie Muah' Posts Apology For Pricing Controversy

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Source: Star News via Nate

1. [+1,749, -44] It amazes me that at that topographic point volition even as well as hence hold upwards people who purchase this stuff

2. [+1,331, -73] Kang Min Kyung is super greedy but I don't mean value her slave fans know that yet ㅋㅋ She's the same type every bit people similar Imvely, Haneul, Ban Yoon Hee.. people who purchase inexpensive wearing clothing from Dongdaemun as well as accept pictures of it all pretty to sell online. They sell inexpensive wearing clothing spell wearing luxury brands themselves ㅋㅋ 

3. [+806, -28] You tin say yesteryear how they ended their apology that they knew this would arrive the media as well as serve every bit farther advertisement for their brand

4. [+130, -3] Does she mean value she's to a greater extent than or less famous designer or something?

5. [+126, -7] Yes, designer wearing clothing tin larn this expensive...; but this is simply Kang Min Kyung ㅠ I sympathise pricing things according to amend materials but it's a fleck much to cost everything over 300,000 won other than to a greater extent than or less scrunchies

6. [+123, -12] Yes... those willing to purchase it volition purchase it... but it's non for me. I'd rather purchase gopchang for 50,000 won than purchase a scrunchie, that would laissez passer on me to a greater extent than happiness.. heh.

7. [+118, -5] I guide keep never inward my life seen individual sell a scrunchie for 60,000 won

8. [+104, -3] She makes thousands for every resultant she attends, I dubiety she knows what prices are similar inward the existent world. She buys luxury goods every 24-hour interval as well as in all likelihood thinks that's what an average cost for an exceptional is ㅋㅋㅋ She should realize that she's no luxury construct herself though 

9. [+75, -1] This is simply every bit good funny, a scrunchie for 60,000 won..;; anyone who buys this is the weird one

10. [+63, -0] She is saltation to neglect on her ain if no i buys it


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