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Lee Hwi Jae's Married Adult Woman Criticized For Bombardment Of Ppl On Her Sns

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Article: This fourth dimension it's Luna Jung Won... the controversial PPL footing that can't live on stopped

Source: Joongang Ilbo via Naver

1. [+420, -5] The work amongst people similar Luna Jung Won in addition to others is that they aspect downward on others. They're basically selling a production but they don't desire to aspect similar they are, they desire to aspect classy in addition to inward a higher house that... The work is that when mortal famous owns something, it looks skillful to others no thing what it is... Fame tin sell anything. I genuinely wonder if all the people who are ever inward the comments similar "what is that? how much is that?" genuinely goal upward buying it inward the end.

2. [+198, -9] This is fraud, isn't it? Advertising something similar it's non an ad?

3. [+159, -1] I was wondering when people would convey her up. When Kang Minkyung in addition to Han Hye Yeon offset got inward trouble, I idea of Luna Jung Won first. Everything she posts seems similar PPL...

4. [+128, -6] These celebrities are all uneducated in addition to dumb, that's the issue

5. [+127, -8] As expected from the married adult woman of such a husband, tsk tsk tsk

6. [+86, -2] This brace claimed they would non select whatever sponsorships since earlier their wedlock but their marriage ceremony wearing clothing was sponsored. They also took on bed ads later their twins were born. I never liked how they ever seemed to live on thence greedy for sponsors.

7. [+76, -2] Probably harder to discovery a motion-picture demonstrate on her Instagram that isn't sponsored. At the start of 'Superman Returns', all she ever wore were expensive luxury clothes, but thence she started wearing cheaper materials merely to sell it, which I idea was weird.

8. [+56, -1] Celebrities in addition to their families brand such slowly money. It's lamentable that at that spot are people who deal to brand their coin piece people similar her instruct inward thence slowly ㅜ

9. [+38, -0] Who fifty-fifty is she in addition to why produce people attention to re-create what she's wearing?

10. [+31, -0] She seems to intend she's a celebrity merely because she's the married adult woman of one... I don't fifty-fifty instruct how she's getting PPL sponsors, who's buying anything from her?


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