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Nam Hee Suk Calls Out Kim Gura On His Brash Attitude

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Article: Nam Hee Suk publicly criticizes Kim Gura, why?

Source: JTBC via Naver

1. [+1,323, -229] I actually don't desire to come across Kim Gura on TV anymore, he makes me alter the channel whenever I come across his face...

2. [+875, -64] Kim Gura is a celebrity who makes me alter the channel I acquire that these stars receive got concepts they take away to stick to but his mental attitude is also much every bit an MC in addition to he's oft rude to the stars. Nam Hee Suk did a proficient matter past times calling him out!

3. [+646, -34] Anyone should accept a expect at Kim Gura's past, he actually cleaned upwards earlier he got famous. He used to tell far worse things than he's known for now.

4. [+540, -27] Seeing someone similar Kim Gura acquire to brand coin in addition to then easily on our TV only makes me inquiry the standards of our nation! He should've been exiled long ago.

5. [+435, -49] I can't stand upwards the agency he MCs. I was wondering when someone would speak upwards close it. I can't spotter 'Radio Star' because of him.

6. [+229, -13] Nam Hee Suk said he held it inwards for ii years earlier speaking upwards close it. Kim Gura is ever trying to deed higher upwards his guests! I know that people receive got gotten used to him abusing his ability in addition to having guests play to his whims but what's incorrect is wrong. Nam Hee Suk was correct to telephone phone him out.

7. [+194, -6] I also intend it's distressing how he's in addition to then bent on trying to assist his boy acquire a celebrity past times taking him on shows everywhere.. ㅋ

8. [+165, -8] I've oft cringed at how rude Kim Gura was on TV. It may last his "character" but it withal makes viewers uncomfortable. Sometimes he'll fifty-fifty deed confident close how unprepared he is for a show. He'll sit down at that spot amongst no information on the panelists in addition to deed similar there's zero incorrect amongst that. So irresponsible. Even if he's playing a character, he should larn that he needs to ready unopen to things.

9. [+121, -3] Kim Gura got famous past times exaggerating rumors, swearing at celebrities, in addition to talking sexual amongst woman individual celebrities. If he was starting out only at nowadays amongst that character, he'd perish forthwith to #metoo in addition to receive got his career halted. Why should he last allowed to brand to a greater extent than coin than others who guide to last sort on TV? I'll never sympathise how nosotros came to alive inwards a footing where a homo similar him is famous ㅋ who's supporting him?


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