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Seoul Tube Adds App Characteristic To Study Riders Without A Mask

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Article: Subway mask ground is over... Seoul City adds characteristic inwards app to written report people without a mask

Source: Yonhap News via Nate

1. [+757, -14] This would all endure easily solved if you lot merely started fining people a 1 thou one thousand won

2. [+572, -13] People caught without a mask should endure responsible for the payment of all virus handling fees for their local expanse every month

3. [+557, -10] Why wouldn't you lot vesture one? Do you lot intend you're complimentary from the responsibleness because everyone else is wearing one? Stop beingness therefore selfish.

4. [+24, -3] People who vesture their mask over their oral cavity or on their mentum should endure reported too. I actually desire to throw them a punch. Also the people who utter on their phones alongside their masks to a greater extent than or less their chins.

5. [+23, -2] I oft run into people alongside their masks on their chins, what's the indicate of fifty-fifty wearing one? And when you lot indicate it out to them, they run all aggressive like, "fine, fine, arrest me"

6. [+22, -2] Sigh, I wishing in that place was a reporting app for people who smoke on the streets

7. [+18, -2] The occupation is that people proceed the subway scheme wearing masks in addition to and then clit it downwardly for a telephone phone holler upward or to gear upward their brand up.. they merely desire to die, don't they

8. [+16, -2] It's ever the people alongside nasty characters who don't vesture their masks properly!

9. [+16, -4] If soul gets reported iii times, they should merely endure given the decease penalty

10. [+14, -1] This actually pisses me off. Even inwards supermarkets, I run into people trying to run away alongside non wearing 1 in addition to the staff are likewise scared to practice anything close it therefore they merely issue shop announcements every xxx seconds reminding them to vesture a mask. It actually makes me desire to slap the dorsum of their heads.

11. [+13, -2] The other cities demand to proceed board alongside this app, in that place are therefore many without masks

12. [+11, -1] If a written report is made, fine the offender 1 1 thou one thousand won in addition to laissez passer on 100,000 won to the reporter equally a reward


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