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Tv Viewers Complain Close The Oversaturation Of Trot These Days

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Article: The 'trot boom' on TV as well as the reality of our shallow music industry

Source: Media via Naver

Article points out that the Korean music manufacture is exclusively e'er interested inwards electrical flow trends similar trot as well as has piddling involvement inwards whatever other genres.

1. [+163, -7] TV's no fun to spotter these days, as well as I'm certain it's doubly as well as thence for the younger generation. All the fun materials is inwards the cellphones, afterward all... I intend that's why trot is booming correct now, because TV shows are trying to cater to the older audience. The TV channels are all going to flop if they function along this upwards

2. [+128, -13] I'm as well as thence ill as well as tired of trot, every unmarried channel plays null but trot. It's similar we're a patch crazed for trot. I can't stand upwards it.

3. [+84, -3] When 'Superstar K' came out, all the channels came out amongst their ain audition shows, when 'Show Me the Money' came out as well as hip hop started trending, all sorts of rappers as well as novel hip hop shows came out, as well as right away it's trot... It's similar these TV shows exclusively attention close tedious their viewers to decease amongst the same things over as well as over.

4. [+73, -28] I'm as well as thence ill of trot

5. [+43, -9] Why blame the broadcast channels for next the poor tastes of the public?

6. [+29, -1] Tired of trot shows singing the same songs, tired of all the idols, tired of all the cooking shows, tired of shows close celebrity children, tired of shows close celebrity lifestyles. There's null to spotter as well as I'm improve off picking as well as choosing from YouTube for the sake of my mental health.

7. [+21, -1] So tired of trot, I only modify the channel

8. [+17, -2] The affair close our civilisation is that i time this i affair is popular, everyone exclusively cares close that i thing... R&B, rap...


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