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Korean Domestic Dog Whisperer Kang Hyung Wook Gets Bitten On Broadcast

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Article: Clip of Kang Hyung Wook getting bitten past times a Canis familiaris played on broadcast... viewers "so scary"

Source: Chosun Media via Naver

1. [+28,785, -77] Clips similar this bespeak to travel played on TV then that people mean value twice earlier adopting dogs

2. [+14,412, -104] Biting is a natural urge inwards dogs then it doesn't scare me but what scares me are owners who mean value "my Canis familiaris doesn't bite"

3. [+7,112, -35] I watched this in addition to I mean value he chose to include it inwards the episode equally a cast of caution to novel owners. If someone similar Kang Hyung Wook tin give the axe become bit, I can't imagine how a pocket-sized or elderly could've handled it. It's a terrifying province of affairs to mean value about. I mean value Canis familiaris owners accept a style to travel oblivious most the fierce nature of their ain dogs in addition to brush it nether the carpet similar "our Canis familiaris doesn't bite".

4. [+6,359, -93] It's e'er the ones beingness dragged around past times their unmuzzled dogs who are similar "our Canis familiaris doesn't bite". Yeah, I'm certain it doesn't seize amongst teeth YOU. Owners should travel punished heavily if their Canis familiaris bites a person. They should accept to apparel muzzles.

5. [+3,240, -37] I mean value he chose to include the clip equally a alarm that non everyone should outflow into adopting a ferocious Canis familiaris because this is what tin give the axe happen. Some fools don't appear to travel able to differentiate betwixt a pet Canis familiaris in addition to a roughshod dog.

6. [+922, -7] This was definitely necessary to exhibit on TV. It's unrealistic to enshroud the dangers of Canis familiaris ownership.

7. [+249, -3] Who are the people complaining that it shouldn't accept been shown on TV???? You guys exercise realize that you lot can't only edit things out inwards existent life, right? Important things similar this bespeak to travel shown.

8. [+258, -18] I really honour him for trying his best amongst all the dogs, no thing how difficult. I would've wanted to skip the to a greater extent than hard ones but he tries his best amongst all of them.

9. [+212, -4] Showing materials similar this makes people to a greater extent than cautious in addition to gives a reminder to owners of such roughshod dogs how unsafe they really are. I mean value this clip tin give the axe travel used for security education.

10. [+163, -1] I watched the episode in addition to it was clear to me that the possessor of the Canis familiaris genuinely wanted to larn amongst humility. However, I mean value people bespeak to really exercise to a greater extent than query earlier adopting a puppy only because it's cute. Look upwardly what it's genetically pre-disposed to, similar aggressiveness, in addition to what sort of preparation is required to proceed it inwards control. The province should become inwards a police trace that such preparation is a pre-requisite earlier adopting dogs that are genetically to a greater extent than aggressive.


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