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Sam Okyere Deletes Sns Inwards Calorie-Free Of Novel Controversy

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Article: Sam Okyere deletes SNS trouble organisation human relationship over sexual harassment comment controversy

Source: YTN via Naver

1. [+423, -11] His luck inwards Korea has run dry

2. [+229, -21] Hurry together with become dorsum to Ghana... You were able to bask fame together with wealth inwards Korea... together with instead of accepting those things gratefully, y'all made high schoolhouse students out to live racists together with tried to earn fame off of that. As mortal who doesn't know what humility is, y'all lead keep no identify inwards our country. I promise his visa gets canceled together with that he gets deported.

3. [+103, -6] It's fourth dimension to become dorsum to your province together with observe move there.. He's made plenty inwards Korea.

4. [+58, -1] Enough amongst the foreigners on TV now... as if a foreigner speaking Korean is a big bargain worthy of perks

5. [+52, -0] Karma is getting him. I'm certain y'all didn't hateful it that agency together with people are merely overreacting, right? You didn't recollect your comment was sexual harassment, right?? Just similar how nineteen yr sometime high schoolhouse students didn't recollect they were beingness racist... If y'all recollect what's happening to y'all is unfair, merely leave... or endeavour together with struggle back..

6. [+49, -0] If entirely he realized that the fact that he could live a celebrity at all inwards Korea is because a lot of Koreans recollect of him as together with respected him...

7. [+28, -1] ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ His truthful colors are lastly showing ㅋㅋㅋ imagine how badly he wanted to run his oral cavity land acting similar he was agreeing amongst us Asians

8. [+13, -1] This isn't a tilt born out of him beingness a foreigner.. or because he's Black.. he's merely inwards the incorrect inwards this one.

9. [+11, -1] He's crossed the betoken of no return. He should commencement looking upward flying tickets.

10. [+9, -1] It's fourth dimension to become dorsum to your country. Your fourth dimension inwards Korea is over.


Source: Naver

1. [+254, -7] Who does this guy recollect he is...? Who does he recollect he is to live accusing anyone of anything correct now.. he should commencement amongst himself

2. [+143, -1] So he was accusing people of beingness racist without fifty-fifty thinking of his ain actions? Just become dorsum to your ain country.

3. [+84, -6] What a agency to embarrass your ain co-worker similar that. Go dorsum to your country. And no to a greater extent than foreigners on TV.

4. [+21, -0] It's fourth dimension to become dorsum home!

5. [+6, -0] It's fourth dimension for him to leave, farewell


Source: Naver

1. [+6,624, -81] The people who human activity similar they're the minorities are ever the ones to abuse other minorities. They ever recollect it's okay when they produce it but non when others produce it to them. It's disgusting.

2. [+3,546, -189] Okyere should know to live grateful for the fame together with wealth he's made inwards about other province but instead he pays it dorsum similar this... he is the paradigm of ingratitude, together with thus ignorant together with lacking inwards character. Kick him out of our manufacture together with demeanour him from our country. He disgusts me.

3. [+1,576, -38] So Okyere himself non entirely slanted his eyes but made a sexual harassment comment???? How tin he non recollect of his ain actions earlier blaming ohters? Is he a hypocrite? And all the same he's going on interviews amongst international media outlets similar he's about liberty fighter, how ridiculous.

4. [+746, -28] Enough's enough, boot him out

5. [+339, -11] How tin he state something similar that virtually a spouse amongst 2 kids? He's terrible.


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