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Park Han Byul's Married Adult Man Uses Her Mention To Beg For Leniency Inward Court

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Article: Yoo In Seok reps, "Even married adult woman Park Han Byul is getting criticized... the menage unit of measurement can't leave of absence inward public"

Source: E-Daily via Naver

1. [+3,654, -14] How dare you lot deed similar the victim?

2. [+1,389, -92] Her ex was caught at a parlor her hubby is offering sexual favors... inward Park Han Byul's life, men are toxicant

3. [+932, -16] You realize this is all because of your ain mistake? Don't blame others together with reverberate over what you lot did. If you lot ever cared most your family, you lot wouldn't conduct keep done this inward the get-go place.

4. [+610, -3] Weren't you lot out playing golf game correct upwardly until Seungri enlisted inward the army...

5. [+374, -12] Nope, off to jail alongside you

6. [+136, -6] Well, did someone threaten you lot to alive your life every bit a pimp?? ㅋㅋ You're the i who's trying to purpose your wife's advert to earn a lesser sentence, tsk tsk. Men are ever trying to purpose their wives to make sympathy, it's disgusting.

7. [+125, -3] Park Han Byul is no ameliorate than him, she submitted a petition on his behalf ㅋㅋㅋ they are birds of a feather

8. [+75, -1] Your menage unit of measurement would live on respected correct instantly if you lot had done things worthy of respect. Your victims must instantly alive inward a mental jail for the residual of their lives. Do you lot intend the people are looking downwardly on your menage unit of measurement because of the toll of your crime? I'm certain the populace would live on willing to forgive if you lot but admitted to your wrongdoings together with paid the appropriate toll for it.

9. [+68, -0] And who's preventing your menage unit of measurement from going out inward public??? You! None other than you lot


Article: Yoo In Seuk reps beg division of judge for lighter judgement "even my married adult woman Park Han Byul is getting criticized"

Source: Seoul News via Naver

1. [+1,991, -27] They're non able to leave of absence inward public? Who were the ones sitting together with laughing at an outdoor eating seat inward Jeju? I idea it was ridiculous when I get-go saw that.

2. [+768, -18] Is he stupid?... If it's gotten to the betoken where fifty-fifty his married adult woman is getting hate, he should realize how severe his crimes are... together with instead he's begging for a lighter sentence? Dirty man...

3. [+423, -19] But Park Han Byul had no occupation turning a blind oculus on her hubby piece enjoying his wealth ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

4. [+272, -11] Just throw him inward jail already what form of police is together with then weak inward the human face upwardly of money??? Throw him in! Can't fifty-fifty stand upwardly to run across him anymore!

5. [+145, -9] So why did you lot create something that would larn your married adult woman hate?


Article: Yoo In Seok, "My married adult woman is getting hate... delight plow over me an chance to alive a proper life"

Source: Donga Ilbo via Naver

1. [+735, -4] We're but bespeak that you lot pay the toll of your crime, you lot fool

2. [+320, -4] Did he non intend this would happen? Which is why he should've been to a greater extent than considerate of his wife's fame together with non conduct keep done all of this... What's getting Park Han Byul to a greater extent than loathe is that instead of owning upwardly to her husband's offense similar Park Hae Mi did, she was out at that topographic point acting similar the victim, shielding him, together with lying for him, all inward the human face upwardly of his victims.

3. [+126, -0] Your life is behind bars now..

4. [+101, -2] Nope, nope... if you lot intend you lot tin post away larn away alongside it together with then easily, it's fourth dimension that you lot start blowing the whistle on all of Seungri's illegal activities... create you lot actually intend acting clueless volition larn you lot out?

5. [+58, -3] Park Han Byul is but every bit bad every bit him for hoping for a lighter sentence

6. [+34, -0] You spat at your ain face

7. [+25, -1] All the fathers of the footing select to alive proper lives for the sake of their families because they know that whatever offense the virile mortal raise commits volition conduct their menage unit of measurement into harm's agency What you're doing instantly is basically throwing a tantrum most the criminal existence inward problem tsk tsk tsk

8. [+22, -1] You wouldn't conduct keep stopped if you lot never got caught.. You would've continued to deed similar your wealth was earned through difficult move together with non criminal activities... Pay the toll of your crime!


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