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Goo Hara's Woman Raise Disputes Rumors Almost An Affair, Claims She Opposes The 'Goo Hara Law'

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Article: Goo Hara's nativity mother, "I did non run out the trouble solid unit of measurement because I was having an affair... I exercise non consent to the Goo Hara Law"

Source: Joongang Ilbo via Naver

1. [+5,085, -12] The nativity woman parent together with her sis demand to realize that the business office of a woman parent isn't only to convey the kid into this world...

2. [+3,456, -7] ㅋㅋ I'm leaving this comment because it's funny how she claims that the kids "weren't born on their own". Yes, yous gave nativity to them, which is why yous should've raised them. The business office of a parent is to enhance your children fifty-fifty if you're pathetic or sick. Everything else is precisely an excuse. Why receive got kids at all if yous only wanted to reckon them when yous had the coin together with when yous were inwards skillful health? At the halt of the day, your immature adult woman is dead. She missed you, together with right away she's gone. It's upsetting together with frustrating that you're using someone similar that for your ain needs...

3. [+2,734, -11] It's non of import whether yous left the trouble solid unit of measurement because of an thing or not. What's of import is that yous gave upward your duty of raising your children together with left them when they were little. You also didn't protect them when they grew to last lonely, suffering adults. You receive got no correct to last a woman parent based on that alone. If my ain kid had ended her ain life because she was lonely, I could never receive got whatsoever type of compensation for that. You're so... shameless. I'd rather starve to decease than receive got that money.

4. [+1,002, -16] She threw Goo Hara away together with is right away dorsum to instruct her money. Such a shameless human being. Can yous fifty-fifty telephone telephone her human at this point? Not fifty-fifty a cent is deserved for people similar her!!!

5. [+803, -8] What's thus of import near giving nativity if yous didn't enhance them? I couldn't receive got that coin fifty-fifty if it was free. So many mothers instruct through struggles together with the urge to divorce but remain for the children. Ho In-ah, don't hand her a penny. Donate it to charity if yous receive got to, but never your mother. What sort of parent fifty-fifty cares near the coin when their ain kid is dead?

6. [+349, -1] So inwards the end, her ain kid died but all she did was run into amongst lawyers to beak over the estate.. how shameless. Yes, she's correct that children aren't born past times themselves, but a parent's business office is non only to hand birth, but to enhance them too. She has no correct to telephone telephone herself a parent for scheming to inherit her estate when her ain kid is dead. I don't help near her personal issues... she never cared near her children's issues later all. The only truth inwards this province of affairs is that she failed to choose responsibleness for her children. There's no excuse for that.

7. [+229, -1] I'd similar to flip the tabular array on the mother. If Goo Hara was millions inwards debt together with the parents had a legal responsibleness to pay off one-half each, would the woman parent receive got taken on that debt?

8. [+159, -2] Most friends won't say anything mean value near your parents... but imagine how terrible of a somebody yous must last that the people who attended Goo Hara's funeral posted near yous on SNS!! If Goo Hara never became a celebrity together with amassed her money, would the woman parent receive got fifty-fifty appeared now? Obviously not! If she doesn't help near the coin similar she claims, together with thus she should donate it to society! And again, I dubiousness she'll exercise that either. And I can't believe Goo Hara's aunt is precisely equally bad equally her mother. What's the betoken inwards interviewing her anyway? She's cutting from the same cloth!

9. [+133, -1] If all Goo Hara had left was debt, would the woman parent nonetheless receive got appeared to pay it off?

10. [+130, -2] I don't know... precisely seeing the hatred the boy has for the woman parent makes me scream back she barely did her project equally a parent. I know that yous tin never know the total storey but she should hand upward on the coin if she's undeserving of it. The proper agency to conduct maintain this equally a parent would last to precisely overstep the coin to the boy voluntarily.


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