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'Hangout Amongst Yoo' Edits Out Lee Hyori's 'Mao' Comment, Clarifies That She Meant No 1 Specific

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Article: Due to Chinese Netizens exploding comments... MBC edits out Lee Hyori's Mao comment

Source: Chosun Media via Naver

1. [+7,439, -57] So has China Gate merely been proven? Why are the Chinese leaving comments on Korean media?

2. [+3,877, -24] Why are nosotros editing our ain demonstrate because of China? All she said was the holler Mao? She never said anything derogatory most Mao Zedong, why are you lot complying amongst the Chinese demanding this together with that from the Koreans? This makes me angry.

3. [+3,127, -22] 200,000 comments... you lot couldn't rhythm out that fifty-fifty amongst our articles that accept the most comments. I approximate it's truthful that the Chinese are involving themselves inwards manipulating Korean sentiment.

4. [+2,221, -15] Edited out? Are nosotros slaves to China? Why is Chinese thought beingness allowed to command Korean media? This is craziness.

5. [+1,623, -12] I'm amazed that Asada Mao is nonetheless alive, then...

6. [+444, -5] To all you lot Chinese, exercise you lot actually believe that Lee Hyori mentioning Mao specifically was meant every bit a derogatory controversy against Mao Zedong?? Why don't you lot await at the context?;; And us Koreans don't assist most you lot at all;;; Lee Hyori likely merely said it without whatsoever idea but await at you lot getting all upward inwards arms over it. Not i someone watching the demonstrate idea of Mao Zedong when she said because nosotros don't assist most you lot guys that much ㅡㅡ;;;;;

7. [+351, -3] MBC, what seat down exercise you lot holler back you lot belong to to endure editing it out similar this?

8. [+240, -4] How many Koreans idea of Mao Zedong when she said Mao.. this is ridiculous, are those netizens fifty-fifty sane correct now?


Article: Lee Hyori's 'Mao scandal'... Chinese netizens "You volition never acquire to come upward to China again", producers "This was a misunderstanding"

Source: Joongang Ilbo via Naver

1. [+7,941, -25] So volition Asada Mao accept to alter her holler if she wants to see China?

2. [+5,460, -15] How most you lot Chinese delight halt coming to Korea

3. [+1,509, -8] This is such a joke ㅋㅋ

4. [+1,135, -19] Yeah certain your Mao is a cockroach

5. [+995, -7] Producers, delight don't apologize for this. They're the weird ones for thinking of Mao Zedong over merely hearing the holler Mao. Mao Zedong's holler was Koreanized every bit Mo Taek Dong together with that's how nosotros learned it. He's an of import figure to their civilization but non ours. Who exercise they holler back they are to endure controlling around other country's media similar this? Apparently borders opened to Wuhan since the tenth together with we've been having an increase inwards cases since then. This is therefore frustrating. China, you lot should endure apologizing for shutting downward other countries. Don't come upward to our country, don't fifty-fifty sentinel our media, together with don't plagiarize it either.

6. [+644, -4] No apology over all the plagiarism of Korean TV shows, no apology over messing the entire footing upward over the virus... but you lot state Mao in i lawsuit together with they're taking downward a star on Instagram similar cats on a mouse. They're therefore pathetic.

7. [+270, -3] PS: the Chinese can't access Instagram therefore those comments are all from Chinese-Koreans inwards our country

8. [+96, -1] How messy of you lot Chinese... As if Lee Hyori cares most going to China.


Article: 'Mao' meant Mao Zedong? 'Hangout amongst Yoo' reps, "She didn't hateful anyone specific... nosotros volition endure to a greater extent than careful inwards the future"

Source: Donga Ilbo via Naver

1. [+3,797, -18] Mao Zedong... I never fifty-fifty imagined it could hateful that... although I did holler back of Asada Mao when she said it

2. [+3,240, -18] How did the Chinese handgrip Xi Jinping inwards 'Descendants of the Sun'? He was at that spot blazing guns together with all.

3. [+1,366, -16] What are you lot apologizing for????? Don't apologize.

4. [+814, -3] No i idea of Mao Zedong when she said it, no i fifty-fifty cares an ounce most him... this is funny ㅎ

5. [+361, -3] Doesn't Mao hateful truthful cat inwards Chinese? What's all this fuss over something therefore insignificant... exercise you lot Chinese non come across how the footing is suffering all twelvemonth long because of you?

6. [+233, -2] If you lot become read the comments on Lee Hyori's Instagram, you lot tin give notice come across how barbaric the Chinese are. They're using Google interpret together with calling us 'North Korea', fifty-fifty talking most comfort women ㅡㅡ exercise they non come across how the footing is suffering because of them?

7. [+170, -0] An apology over this? ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ So instantly nosotros accept to cater to the feelings of the Chinese? Just exercise every bit you lot desire to.

8. [+53, -0] Can they merely halt watching Korean varieties? No one's begging them to sentinel it. Talk most all this fuss over something unwarranted.


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