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Chinese Netizens Overflowing Lee Hyori's Sns For Comment Close 'Mao' On 'Hangout Amongst Yoo'

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Article: "What close Mao equally a nickname?" Chinese netizens criticize Lee Hyori "how dare you"

Source: Chosun Media via Naver

Lee Hyori's Instagram is beingness flooded alongside loathe comments from Chinese netizens (140,000 comments inwards 2 days) for allegedly making a derogatory comment close Mao Zedong on an episode of 'Hangout alongside Yoo'. While discussing nicknames alongside Yoo Jae Suk, she offered, "Should nosotros become alongside a Chinese name? So nosotros tin plough over the sack become to a greater extent than global. How close Mao?"

1. [+4,031, -23] Who produce the Chinese intend they are to hold out butting inwards on approximately other country's diverseness show...? How close they straightaway their comments towards taking downward their ain shows that are plagiarized from our country's.

2. [+2,236, -29] I never fifty-fifty idea of Mao Zedong when she offered the nickname Mao. It's non similar Koreans intend of King Sejong whenever they listen the syllable Se inwards a name. And didn't yous read the screencaps? The Mao comes from a Korean phrase. It's similar if approximately Chinese someone said Se too nosotros assumed they were referring to King Sejong.

3. [+266, -3] Hul, 140,000 comments! No wonder the Chinese are able to manipulate comments inwards Korean media sites! So the rumors were true!

4. [+215, -1] If a unusual star nicknamed themselves 'Sejong', Koreans would hold out happy for them. The Chinese are too thus intolerant.

5. [+174, -3] Well this simply confirms that in that place are groups of Chinese commenters who manipulate comment sections inwards Korean media.

6. [+147, -3] All this fuss over something that's barely controversial. Your province has caused too thus much physical stress too overstep all over our ain country, yous should hold out feeling sorry for us.

7. [+136, -4] Is Mao Zedong the alone Mao who exists inwards China? I don't teach why Hyori's getting loathe for this.. It's non similar she made fun of Mao's advert or anything past times calling it Mao Butthole ㅡㅡㅋ

8. [+129, -7] Everyone, receive got a adept look. 140,000 Chinese comments on i celebrity's account. There are tons to a greater extent than Chinese comments on Korean portal sites than yous would think.

9. [+88, -1] That's simply ridiculous. So is Asada Mao Chinese too??? The Chinese are too thus weird.

10. [+91, -5] There's a Japanese vocalist named Mao, vocalisation histrion named Ichimichi Mao, too what close figure skater Asada Mao?


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