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Song Joong Ki Makes His Big Covert Comeback Afterwards 3 Years

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Article: Song Joong Ki "back equally a nerd"

Source: Sisa Journal via Naver

1. [+1,779, -151] I don't mean value he has a practiced optic inwards picking moving painting roles

2. [+855, -53] I convey a feeling this volition survive roughly other flop..

3. [+593, -104] Do well, Song Joong Ki

4. [+369, -120] Always supporting you, our Joong Ki ^^♡

5. [+254, -8] Giving my back upward for Song Joong Ki, Kim Tae Ri, Jin Lord's Day Kyu, too Yoo Hae Jin

6. [+130, -16] I'm lamentable to tell this but Song Joong Ki used to convey a actually positive, pop ikon but I experience similar he's lost his charm since getting divorced..

7. [+106, -13] He can't flop this time.. ㅠㅠ he's had 3 flops inwards a row.. Arthdal, The Battleship Island... they're all big nurture industrial plant sum of cypher but greed too no results. This Victory moving painting doesn't hand me much promise either.. I promise he picks good adjacent time.

8. [+153, -68] I don't loathe him but I interrogation why he always got popular..

9. [+108, -42] I wonder why Song Hye Gyo always got married to Song Joong Ki? Their levels were simply non the same..

10. [+100, -36] People mean value that Song Joong Ki broke upward amongst Song Hye Gyo because he's smarter too amend than her but life isn't most who's smartest or best.. it's most existence wise. Something most Song Joong Ki's looks convey been on the spend upward since breaking upward amongst Song Hye Gyo.

11. [+80, -25] Song Joong Ki was never on Song Hye Gyo's marking to laid out with. He barely has whatsoever famous industrial plant ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

12. [+52, -12] Whatever his existent personality is like, he used to convey a actually positive ikon ㅠ but his ikon has been trashed since the divorce ㅠ mayhap because of all the rumors going around

13. [+50, -13] His career would've been unstoppable if he never got married

14. [+45, -8] He became a transcend star for his pretty man child looks too Sungkyunkwan University majority smarts, equally good equally his form ikon too build clean tape amongst scandals... but his acting hasn't been dominating plenty to croak along him there, too at that topographic point are other prettier juniors who check the pretty man child characters amend than him. And to boot him piece he's downwardly on his luck, all of his recent industrial plant convey done miserably equally well... He's inwards roughly hard times correct now.

15. [+43, -9] I saw the teaser... too it looked similar roughly sci-fi moving painting produced for children.

16. [+35, -1] It's going to survive bad for him if this moving painting flops too... he should choice a practiced drama next. He seems a amend check for dramas than movies.


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