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Conservative Groups Threaten Around Other Rally Inwards The Tens Of Thousands Adjacent Month

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Article: Conservative grouping warns of unopen to other rally alongside tens of thousands "cell phones off"

Source: Seoul News via Naver

1. [+8,269, -440] The fact that they're threatening to maintain their cellphones off precisely proves that they're non normal. If an final result arises, they're basically maxim they're going to cover without whatever responsibleness inwards helping. Please don't allow permits for them together with jail all of them should they continue.

2. [+3,475, -194] Shouldn't the conservative political party live on stepping upwardly together with stopping this? What are they doing? It's similar they're waiting for everything to larn a mess.

3. [+2,254, -137] We can't allow this rally happen, create they non run into how much others are suffering correct now? Penalize every somebody who participates inwards this.

4. [+1,399, -97] The work is alongside the somebody who gives permits for these rallies

5. [+921, -86] Just jail them all

6. [+600, -18] Start past times changing the dominion that all virus treatments must come upwardly out of your ain pockets. These people are aught but an obstruction to the people who are working difficult to social distance together with the caput of households who are paying taxes together with insurance. These people threatening to rally deserve no protection from our society.

7. [+488, -19] If it reaches a betoken where the province is forced to pace inwards together with describe the rally apart, I won't experience whatever sympathy for them. They're basically trading the lives of their ain country's people for their ain beliefs. There are together with hence many elders who are unable to have handling inwards emergency rooms because in that place merely isn't plenty room anymore. If to a greater extent than deaths are suffered, it volition live on on your hands. You people create non deserve forgiveness.

8. [+339, -14] They're mentally ill, no? Rallying at a fourth dimension similar this? Are conservative groups all crazy ? Please penalize them alongside the constabulary if they pop off through alongside this

9. [+263, -9] I experience similar they're doing this on purpose. They're purposely spreading the virus together with hence that they tin blame the authorities on failing to protect us.


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