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The Best Selling Women's Pad Build On Amazon Was Founded Past Times Korean Women

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Article: Organic menses pad build hits #1 on Amazon, founded yesteryear 3 Korean women

Source: Joongang Ilbo via Naver

1. [+1,551, -48] That's amazing

2. [+1,526, -489] Eco-friendly marketing is all a scam. They attain simply every bit much devastation to the environs every bit anything else. Don't autumn for it.

3. [+619, -75] This is amazing, in addition to I'm glad we're inward a generation where women tin dismiss last utilization models too. The master copy consumer base of operations for most markets is women hence the fact that at that topographic point are less female-founded businesses is non that they don't empathize the marketplace but because investors aren't willing to bet on them. Women similar them are Furiosas inward suits.

4. [+106, -7] Why are at that topographic point hence many comments yesteryear men inward an article near a production that they'll never utilization inward their entire lives?

5. [+80, -7] This is amazing of them

6. [+73, -10] Why does this comment department accept to a greater extent than comments yesteryear men than women? Why hence much involvement inward a production they'll never use?

7. [+52, -2] I've ordered this production on subscription for 2 years but stopped because the toll doubled in addition to the packaging changed. They raised the toll also much for what's essentially the same product....

8. [+44, -2] When I lived inward the USA concluding year, I bought simply about from Amazon due to everyone talking near it. They accept a lot of sales hence I stocked upwards then. I'm satisfied alongside the products. Lots of dissimilar types alongside fast shipping. I intend it's also a testament to how bad character American pad brands are ㅠㅠ I want our country's oriental medicine pads volition advance into the US...!

9. [+46, -13] Foreign countries are looking at our province correct forthwith in addition to feeling amazed at how a province hence minor tin dismiss create such slap-up talents inward every industry. Son Heung Min, K-Pop, IT, medical skills, architecture. I don't intend whatsoever province our size has achieved this much. It genuinely is amazing.


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