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Netizens Gossip Virtually K-Drama Tier Life Of Sk Grouping Chaebols

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Article: [Exclusive] Choi Tae Won CEO's oldest boy joins SK E&S freshman team

Source: Chosun via Naver

The 25 twelvemonth quondam boy of the SK Group CEO volition hold upward joining the company's SK E&S freshman team. His older sisters are already working inward the SK Hynix together with BP branches equally senior managers. 

1. [+1,801, -108] I wonder if it'll hold upward similar the dramas where he gets revenge on his dad for cheating on his mom

2. [+1,527, -79] He looks similar his dad. Too bad for his dad's mistress, it's e'er the wife's children who volition create amend inward life. The married adult woman amend non larn a divorce together with proceed the mistress inward check. 

3. [+1,146, -39] Imagine the novel freshman recruit existence your futurity CEO.. It's gotta hold upward tough for whatsoever of his co-workers to speak to him;

4. [+953, -42] He lucked out past times existence born into a rich family, I promise he does proficient things amongst that luck

5. [+546, -9] I promise he grows together with becomes successful plenty to brand upward for his mother's trauma. We should never alive inward a the world where the mistress gets to deed amend than you.

6. [+415, -10] They raised proficient children. Son went to Brown, oldest immature lady went to Stanford.. such difficult working chaebol children.

7. [+370, -1] At to the lowest degree this describe of piece of job solid is properly educating their kids together with putting them through describe of piece of job organization training. Good on the woman parent for that.

8. [+312, -5] The children seem to induce got taken subsequently the mother's intelligence. I promise their success crushes the mistress.

9. [+198, -4] Good education, proficient looks, properly raised past times his mother.. I desire to believe that he volition create his purpose inward improving our country. Fighting!!!

10. [+181, -6] Can't believe his manly mortal parent cheated on his woman parent amongst a mistress together with had a kid together earlier demanding for divorce... when the really mortal who helped construct his society is his wife's father... pfft, no gratitude.

11. [+160, -3] Physics major at Brown agency he got inward on his ain merit. Most chaebol kids terminate upward going to Harvard's describe of piece of job organization schoolhouse or Penn State... His describe of piece of job solid unit of measurement actually must hold upward smart. I promise he matures well.

12. [+103, -5] Just don't accept subsequently your terrible father


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