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Taiwanese Tourists Opor-Garai Inwards Jeju From The Sky

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Article: 120 Taiwanese tourists circled Jeju aerodrome earlier returning to Taiwan

Source: Newsis via Naver

As business office of an airline effect that sold out inward four minutes, 120 passengers went on a Jeju opor-garai without genuinely landing inward Jeju. The airline provided diverse Korean activities similar Hanbok photograph opps as well as games earlier the flying took off, as well as passengers enjoyed a repast of 'chicken as well as beer' on the flying that circled over Jeju Island piece they enjoyed the isle from the air, taking photos as well as videos, earlier the lx minutes as well as a one-half flying returned dorsum to Taiwan. 

1. [+919, -22] Taiwan release one

2. [+339, -7] What an interesting sentiment during these hard times

3. [+273, -5] I intend it's a neat sentiment but I experience bad for them too. I'll travel praying for the solar daytime that nosotros tin see each other for real.

4. [+133, -4] It's a expert sentiment from afar but quite tragic if yous genuinely intend nearly it ㅜㅜ who knew that nosotros would ever travel inward such a situation?

5. [+37, -2] I've visited Taiwan earlier as well as they're neat people. So variety as well as positive. They alive humble lives fifty-fifty if they're rich. They don't seem to tending nearly outward appearances as well as are potent people on the inside.

6. [+34, -4] This makes yous realize how happy our by lives used to be

7. [+19, -1] Taiwan's such a neat country! What I similar nearly them fifty-fifty to a greater extent than is that they're e'er forwards thinking as well as the people are as well as hence variety ^^

8. [+9, -0] I'm grateful to the Taiwanese for this. I e'er dreamed of visiting Taiwan earlier the pandemic happened as well as it'll travel my commencement province to see ane time this is all over. I'm already watching Taiwanese videos as well as joining Taiwanese cafes let's travel expert to each other ^^

9. [+7, -1] Imagine how badly they desire to teach on opor-garai that it was sold out inward four minutes... I am 100% agreement of them. I promise that this is all over before long as well as hence that nosotros tin opor-garai freely... I'm certain we're all thinking the same as well as hence let's detect forcefulness only a fleck to a greater extent than as well as genuinely travel on preventing to a greater extent than cases. Fighting!

10. [+6, -0] We volition see Taiwan someday before long too


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