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Chinese Idols Proceed Leaving The K-Pop Manufacture To Provide To China

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Article: How much receive got the Chinese idols who left Korea made?... 'jaw dropping' 

Source: Hankyung via Naver

1. [+3,420, -26] So why choice Chinese idols? Just don't Stop adding Chinese or Japanese members to idol groups, at that topographic point are plenty talented kids inwards Korea already. I'd rather American or European gyopos than these guys who are alone out to pocket our system.

2. [+1,010, -25] Surely our companies knew that they'd eventually become dorsum to their habitation countries, right??? Why non merely educate Koreans who alive abroad too debut them hither or merely notice habitation grown talent?

3. [+677, -5] This would all last solved if nosotros stopped accepting Chinese trainees!

4. [+310, -4] Just halt turning Chinese trainees into celebrities

5. [+77, -0] BTS has spread out into the globe without whatsoever unusual members. I empathize that the Chinese marketplace set is big too that having Chinese members assist but K-Pop is beyond the signal where nosotros take away PRC anymore. It's pop plenty inwards other countries. We've suffered plenty betrayals, it's fourth dimension to halt amongst accepting Chinese members...

6. [+71, -1] Why is this alone existence brought upward now? It's non similar this is novel news. The Chinese are fifty-fifty claiming the hanbok, kimchi, too fifty-fifty Son Heung Min equally theirs. It's best to merely cutting all ties amongst them. And I'm certain yous all know that the Chinese are ruining the Korean existent estate market. People are too therefore pre-occupied amongst boycotting Nihon but take away to wake upward too run across what's happening amongst China.

7. [+47, -0] There's a argue why the USA is trying to destroy Huawei they're attacking BTS too Black Pink anyway, what produce nosotros receive got to play dainty for? Just post all the Chinese trainees home. We receive got plenty prove too prior sense to dorsum it upward

8. [+29, -5] Chinese idols volition betray yous no thing what. Even if they're alone B-list inwards Korea, they tin terminate piece of job their K-Pop fame to larn inwards to A-list inwards PRC too brand a ton to a greater extent than coin there. Heck, I'd larn out too. Only Japanese idols won't betray yous because the Japanese marketplace set doesn't actually attention if yous were formerly a K-Pop idol. If groups are going to include unusual members, may equally good merely larn inwards Japanese. There's less risk of them leaving.

9. [+19, -0] I gauge it's fortunate that at most, the Chinese are alone able to catch the lower tier idols equally coaches for their celebrity grooming shows ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ They'll never last able to surpass Korean pop culture

10. [+17, -0] Contracts receive got no important to these kids. They're alone hither to larn Korean grooming to convey dorsum to PRC too terminate their contracts after. I don't attention most other countries but delight halt accepting trainees from China.


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