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K-Pop's Commencement Idol Trainee From Kazakhstan Aiganym Earns Attention

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Article: New daughter grouping trainee from Republic of Kazakhstan earns attending for pretty looks

Source: Insight via Instagram

1. [+401] If you lot don't similar something, only buy the farm along it moving. No postulate to type something upwardly only to exit a comment.

2. [+108] Hmm

3. [+40] She's gorgeous

4. [+30] ...?

5. [+22] Pretty

6. [+14] Oh she's then unique

7. [+10] Please halt judging others on their looks ㅡㅡ;;

8. [+9] Celebrities (including singers, actresses, models) are people who are judged on their looks as well as skills. I don't know why people convey such a occupation alongside that... 

9. [+8, -0] Hul, she's damn pretty

10. [+7] She's gorgeous..


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