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Itaewon Streets Overflowing Amongst Halloween Celebrations Every Mo Cases Climb Dorsum To The Triple Digits

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Article: Social distancing has disappeared inwards Itaewon as well as Gangnam station... volition the 'scare of Halloween' function a reality?

Source: Yonhap News via Nate

1. [+754, -24] Crazies

2. [+736, -22] Sigh, delight endure worrying close looking later on your grandparents, you lot poor people

3. [+696, -15] Anyone who has a tape of beingness at an Itaewon bar on the 30th as well as 31st ask to own got help of all medical expenses out of their ain pocket

4. [+13, -3] I wonder if these fools fifty-fifty know what the pregnant of Halloween is

5. [+12, -0] They seem as well as then brainless...

6. [+12, -1] Foreigners must think we're ridiculous. Halloween inwards the United States of America is celebrated past times dwelling line of piece of occupation solid parties as well as handing out candies to children. In our country, it's a fourth dimension for people to human activity similar sexual practice crazed animals inwards ghost costumes. Sigh.


Source: Nate

1. [+386, -19] Please recollect the medical staff as well as parents who are suffering inwards all of this!! Looks similar November's going to endure merely about other tough calendar month for us. Why can't people merely remain home, tsk tsk.

2. [+312, -16] The entire basis is suffering as well as our authorities is begging people to follow security guidelines, why would you lot instruct out inwards the streets at a fourth dimension similar this? I merely don't understand.

3. [+286, -17] Contact draw all novel cases as well as everyone who was inwards Itaewon ask to pay for their ain medical expenses

4. [+18, -5] I don't instruct it... Halloween used to endure a vacation alone celebrated past times unusual students inwards our country. Since when did it function a nation-wide celebration similar this? Why are people beingness similar this? 

5. [+16, -1] Remember during Chuseok when people were spamming that everyone should remain dwelling line of piece of occupation solid as well as non see line of piece of occupation solid unit of measurement inwards illustration nosotros infect our parents? Now you're out at that spot partying as well as celebrating merely about other country's culture? So hypocritical.


Source: Naver

1. [+508, -4] This is as well as then frustrating... I own got no words...

2. [+260, -6] Anyone who's inwards Itaewon correct straight off has cipher inwards their encephalon ㅋㅋ

3. [+175, -7] Make them all pay for their medical expenses

4. [+47, -4] Make them pay for their ain medical expenses. It's because all of it's paid for that they think they tin human activity similar this.

5. [+35, -1] I had hoped that people would remain dwelling line of piece of occupation solid for Chuseok... but didn't blame anyone if they did pick out to celebrate it since it is an of import vacation inwards our country. But Halloween?;;; I justice we're going to own got a mess on our hands alongside Christmas before long too. Can nosotros delight concur dorsum on things that nosotros tin concur dorsum on?


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