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Yulhee Talks Near The Effects Of Pocket-Sized Nascency On Stamina

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Article: After giving nascence to three, Yulhee reveals her stamina has worsened

Source: Insight via Instagram

1. [+665] When y'all laissez passer on birth, you're basically cutting downwardly your max HP score each time..

2. [+464] I gauge fifty-fifty when you're equally immature equally her, your torso yet physically hurts...

3. [+427] Mothers are together with then strong

4. [+328] Child nascence actually does wound your body... Please accept tending of yourself. Child rearing is no tardily undertaking ㅜ

5. [+166] She's suffering a lot together with seems inwards demand of a lot of assist from her family. I promise that they're all taking turns amongst watching the children ㅜ

6. [+65] Find strength. I'm certain it's hard amongst 3 ❤️❤️❤️❤️, both giving nascence together with looking afterward them

7. [+49] Aigoo... I alone had ane at 26 together with my torso is yet suffering from it.. Since she's yet inwards her early on twenties, at that spot are in all likelihood yet together with then many things she wants to work ㅜㅜ

8. [+37] Especially since she's raising them on her ain ㅠㅠ aigoo..

9. [+7] I concur amongst her, my stamina is stone bottom ㅠㅠ

10. [+2] Child rearing is something that makes y'all the happiest together with around of import individual inwards the world, simply too the around hard together with suffocating, ho-hum undertaking equally well....


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